


1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
When I investigated, I found that the Newton’s law of cooling is the difference temperature between an object’s temperature and the surrounding environment temperature; this method is very useful when a corpse is found inside a building, and when the environment temperature is controlled.

2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
The variables are the environment temperature [yt] (that is controlled and it depend on time, 70ºF or 75ºF) and the corpse temperature [y] [that depends if the person was healthy (98.7ºF), regular (99.5ºF) or sick (101ºF)]. Also it is the variable of time [t] (that is t=0 when is 9:10PM and t=6 when is 9:16PM).

3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?

1) If room temperature was 75ºF

a) Healthy (98.7ºF) --> 8:55:7 PM

b) Regular (99.5ºF) --> 8:51:2 PM

c) Sick (101ºF) --> 8:43:4 PM

2) If room temperature was 70ºF

a) Healthy (98.7ºF) --> 8:54:5 PM

b) Regular (99.5ºF) --> 8:50:4 PM

c) Sick (101ºF) --> 8:43:5 PM

In conclusion, the death was between 8:43PM and 8:55PM.

4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?
It affects a lot because is something that changes the corpse temperature, it affects radically. I noticed that it also affects our result, it affects directly to our formula, and will affect like I said, the result.

5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?
With the temperature of body, an ill body will increase its temperature, that means that it will change different with the environment temperature affecting it directly. So it will affect the estimating time of death.

6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?
It is satisfactorily approximated.


M4TH TH15 W33K!..

4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
- The study of Blowflies in a body when it was discovered outside and it has been there for any period of time. Studying the eggs helps to find the time of death.
- Newton’s law of cooling, it says that the surface temperature of something changes at rate proportional to its temperature. And it is used when the body is discovered inside.
-The rigor mortis process, it is when the muscles begin to get hard between 6 and 12 hours.

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?
- Ambient temperature.
- External factors

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?
In an open environment, when a body is death, the blowflies start to putting eggs, and it help the scientists to find time of death. Also the temperature affects, because of the Newton’s law of cooling, that says that the temperature have a change at a proportional rate of its temperature.

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body? Do they make a difference in the results?
Yes, they are very useful in forensic science, and make a difference because they tell the truth or it always attempt to tell it. Other important factors are considered in the measurement of temperature, that factors affects the temperature, so it exist the possibility that also distort the results.





Tanta Calma Desespero!

Por fin los exámenes han terminado x)! y ya podemos descansar, o bueno algo así hasta los próximos exámenes. Espero buenas calificaciones en todas las materias =P!, si es q un 88 se considera bueno ¬¬!, en fin. Esta semana en cálculo hemos visto.. Adivinen.. Seh! mas integrales, x)! creo q cada vez se complican menos xD! ya le estoi entendiendo a esto jeje. Y q ah pasad nuevo en la semana?.. Estudios 0.o! emmm.. Estudios ^-^ y.. Creo q mas estudios xD!. Saludo a todos con los q estudié xDD! que mas?.. Mmm ayer a los XV's subieron bien..

Les dejo esta imagen q está bien pro, se llama "Meditolliation". No soy de esa gente que dice "oh si esta imagen representa la rebeldía de los jóvenes mezclada con una profunda meditación.. blah blah blah" pero me tranquiliza algo x)! y me recuerda mucho cuando estaba mas chico x) y "patinaba".. bueno pues los dejo! saludos!

Winamp: Catupecu Machu - Magia veneno!


Murder We Wrote!.. [R0CK TH3 7RU7H!]

Team Name: R0CK TH3 7RU7H!..
Team Members and Roles:

Arturo Gil Villareal - (Media Expert)
Elier Loya Mata - (Math Expert)
Jorge Cozían Chairez - (The Journalist)
Martín C. Mendívil - (Forensic Scientist)


1. What is forensic science?
Is a science that applies other sciences to get answers of interest to the legal system.

2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?
Biological evidence, trace evidence, impression evidence (such as fingerprints, footwear impressions, and tire tracks), controlled substances, firearms, and other evidence in criminal investigations.

3. Why is important to determine the time of death?
Because with all the evidence, the only that is needed to prove is at what hour did the murder happened. Place the guilty in the crime scene at the right time.

4. Goal:
We think that the main objective of this project, is to use our creativity and knowledge to understand the applied mathematics in a very effective use, the "forensic science". That way, we need to work like a team, and with different roles, also we're going to show our cinematographic skills and editing skills too. We are excited waiting for start filming ;)! We thing its going to be a very funny project and we already have many good ideas.