

Bye ceneval x)!

Adiós al ceneval y al segundo parcial xD!

Como la imagen lo representa, "Freedom" (libertad para el q no entienda xD) mmm que otra cosa? el Domingo cumplo 1 año 6 meses de andar con mi novia =D!, y el cesar cumple 18 años de vida ¬¬ xD, mmm nada mas..

No hay mas palabras! enjoy my space ;)!


Schedule For "Murder we Wrote!"

It is necessary to have things well planed, her in the next picture, is a table where we wrote on our schedule with the Activity, Month and the Days it will last.

(Click the image to enlarge it)

Team Members: Arturo Gil, Elier Loya, Jorge Cozaín, Martín Mendivil
Here are every Activity and who is in charge of each one: